Saturday, April 23, 2011

Long time no see, old friend.

I have been thinking about things here and there lately. Just random thoughts. My good friend, who had been going through a tough month was crying on the futon in my living room. We were discussing her problems, how she felt, and life. All of sudden she was overcome with many different emotions and started to cry. It was not of the wailing-sort, just a silent, and much needed cry.

At first I did not know she was crying. Our conversation had turned into to silence and I just sat there staring at the T.V. screen, thinking over what we had discussed. I had assumed she too was doing the same. Then I turned my head and asked, "Are you crying?" I saw her crouched in a fetal-like position, wiping her tears away. Silent tears. Not tears of shame. Just silent tears. After I asked, I proceeded to tell her, "Keep crying." I did not want her to stop, especially after I had unveiled her crying. Plus, my rule is-If you want to cry, cry. Do not suppress it. Do not second guess it. Just let your body do what it wants. Allow yourself to cry. There is nothing worse than holding back your tears. But, what is even worse, is having someone tell you, "Stop crying." It is like death. Who the hell has the right to tell you what you can do or not do? Crying is not a crime, never has been, never will be. Never deny your emotions and need to cry. If you feel like having a good cry, go ahead give it to yourself. It is not an indulgence. It is our right and a necessity to staying sane.

After you have a good cry, there is always a sense of clarity-like a lift has been taken off your chest. I, personally, always feel so much better after crying. This is because I am giving in, to let go of all the confusion and mix of emotions. I am not imply that crying will solve your problems, but it does make you feel a lot better, and it helps to get a hold on whatever situation you are going through. After you cry, you are only left with the problem to deal with, without your initial, ephemeral emotions that were responding to whatever problem you were sad, mad, frustrated, etc. at.

In America, we, Americans, have been led to believe that crying is a sign of weakness. I beg to differ. I think it is beautiful when one is able to cry. It is an expression of our emotions. The reason we, humans, want to cry in difficult situations is because we are experiencing mixed emotions and do not know how to make sense of it. So, out of our sadness, frustration, happiness, etc. we cry, as an outlet for all those emotions to flee.

Anyways, this has become a longer post than I expected. What my main point is-cry if you want to. Do not be scared. It is beautiful. Just make sure to remember, when you cry, you will look like shit. That is just how it is. It is beautiful, but beautiful is a matter of perspective. What may look beautiful to you, may not look beautiful to me.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


me in one direction and then the next... I want to throw up. I had too much pizza, chips, and homemade chocolate cake that my awesome roommate made. It was delicious. A chocolate cake with chocolate chips on top + frozen strawberries. What did I do to deserve this? Anyways, we had an Oscars "party", just to clarify things, two can make a party.

This past week has been CRAZY. School has been the usual, readings, readings, and more readings. Aside from that my internship has been on FI-YAH. The art gallery I intern for has reopened after they moved locations to a larger and very beautiful space. Everything is out there in the open, which I feel really reflects the gallery co-owners' personalities. They are both nice, straight-forward and open with how they feel and communicate. Interning for them has really been great and looking back on the last month, I have learned so much. Within four weeks I have done far more than I could ever have imagined and experienced so much within the San Francisco art world. It has been an awesome journey , which has only just begun! I hope to continue this learning process with as much progress as I have had so far.

Aside from working both the VIP preview of the gallery and the public grand opening I was able to meet many different people who work in the art business, here in San Francisco. Yes, it is nerve racking but if I just let my guard down and relax but keep my poise then I know the real me will come through. I am young and have yet to learn a lot, esp. to get my "foot in the door" but I know I am capable of a lot of things. I just wish I had more confidence in myself. My awkwardness just really loves the spotlight. She likes to pop out whenever there are crowds of people and it frustrates me. But, hey, it is a part of me. I cannot just shun her. Many of the gallery artists were present at the openings and the interns, the gallery employes (my supervisors), and the artists were treated to brunch by the gallery co-owners. It was a nice and more intimate setting to meet the artists. Everyone of the artists were so nice and personable. I really do not know how the co-owners find such great talented people with amazing personalities. They truly have a gift for finding those diamonds in the sea of dirt. One particular artist (name-wise I will stick with keeping it anonymous) really stuck out to me. His style is not really something I am usually attracted to because in my opinion it can be too graphic for me at times. However, behind it all I see wit, humor, and a thought process that went into each one of his paintings. They are not pieces to be taken all at once. At first glance you see lots of color, designs and figures, which is always a popular variation. However, after the first view a better inspection is taken upon these pieces and you realize there is more substance behind the wild designs and colors. Anyways, I am not here to do a review of his pieces... back to the point I was trying to get at. During the brunch he and I were formally introduced and we started talking about our backgrounds, me, about my family and growing up in Oahu, school, etc., him, about when and how he got to New York from Japan, New York, his visit to Oahu, etc. After we talked I told him I was visiting my sister in New York for Spring Break and he said I should call him or email him when I do and of course I said, "Sure." However, he failed to give me his # or email. So I shrugged it off as, "Oh wells, 'c'est la vie.' " The next day was the public opening for the gallery and once again I was working it and very excited to. I didn't get to talk to him but at the end of the night when everyone had left he gave me his card as I was leaving and about to say "Bye" to him. So basically, I will be calling or emailing him when I get to New York, but, I am a bit hesitant to because is it alright for an intern to hang out with one of the gallery artists? I guess in reality I should not think of myself as just an intern, but as me, a real human being. I would like to see him again and talk a little more than that time at the brunch. We have seen each other three days straight due to the gallery openings, etc., yet we have not been able to converse much because I have been WAY too busy working at the openings, which is my first priority. I shall see how this works out when I get to New York. Until then, I will obviously be mulling over everything as usual because I just overwork what is left of my poor whittle tired brain. I am sorry, Mr. Brain. I love you and appreciate you!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"What can I do"


2 TJ sprouted rye toast + Nutella
1 Godiva chocolate green tea heart

3 sugar cookies
1/2 a large sweet orange

Spaghetti with meat,tomato sauce
1 Texas sized garlic bread
2 Chocolate Lava muffins
1 macadamia chocolate


1 and a half toast + Nutella + PB

Kabocha soup with 3 slices of Kabocha
Grilled cheese sandwich: 2 TJ sprouted rye bread + Mozzarella + Gouda + Ketchup
1 Chocolate lava muffin

Noodles with zazang sauce
3 egg whites w/ green onions + ketchup

2 chocolate Macadamia nut
A CRAP LOAD of cheezits


1/4 cup oatmeal + PB + Nutella + dried cranberries
1 Banana

1 Apple
"French Toast": one piece that was drenched in berry preserves with a topping of Nutella

1 scoop white rice + leftover zazang sauce
1 large handful of cheezits
1 blood orange
1 egg
1 choco macadamia nut
1/2 chocolate lava muffin

Sunday, February 13, 2011



1 TJ toast + nutella
Fruit smoothie w/homemade oat granola


Salmon + broccoli + egg

1 piece of twix, a pack of Kit Kats, 2 glasses of red wine (merlot)
Homemade oat granola
Homemade blueberry muffin w/strawberries


1 Homemade blueberry muffin w/strawberries

Went to the farmers market at the Ferry Plaza
1. Tell Tale Preserve Co. savory pastry which consisted of some sort of pesto and mushrooms enclosed by a buttery, flakey dough. So good.
2. And a morning bun from some bakery, gosh I have such a bad memory. Twas also delicious

Walked around farmers market, took the F line to church and market, then walked to Filmore street, then to Haight and then to Golden Gate Park and then home. Was a great long walk on a beautiful, sunny day.

1 Homemade blueberry muffin w/strawberries

Went out with a friend to Okina Sushi and had 4 nigiri sets= 8 pieces
1. Uni
2. Shake
3. Hamachi
4. Can't remember
All were delicious

1/2 scoop Chocolate Peanut Butter ice cream
1/2 scoop cookies and cream ice cream
all on a sugar cone
1/3 of a caramel cheesecake
All from Toyboat on Clement St.

Night snack:
Mels diner french fries


2 pieces of TJ sprouted rye toast w/ Nutella

Grilled cheese w/ 2 pieces of TJ sprouted rye bread+mozzarella+gouda
1/2 tbsp ketchup for dipping... yumm
1 Homemade blueberry muffin w/strawberries

Green tea mochi with azuki beans

1 large navel orange
A couple of slices of baked Kabocha w/ almonds+onion+cayenne pepper+soy sauce+sesame oil+cinnamon+brown sugar
1 tangerine
1 piece of dark chocolate

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

yada yada yada


1 TJ toast + Nutella

Vietnamese Noodles

Curry w/ carrtos + potatoes + one egg + soba noodles

1/2 TJ toast + Nutella

No Workout


1/2 TJ toast + Nutella

Mozzarella grilled cheese sandwich
- 1 TJ toast
- 2 slices of tomato
- mozzarella

4 Oreos

Korean style beef: Kalbi
Salad with red lettuce leaves, a tomato, and broccoli
Sesame seed oil + Go chu jang, Korean red chili pepper paste
Vietnamese noodles with chili peppers+ clams+ ... and other yummy ingredients.


40 minute walk

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Force of Nature.

My past weekend has been hectic. With internships on Friday and Sat for five hours each, I do not get the chance to really have a weekend. This is because after I end, which is about 5, I am tired, but I am not complaining because I love it and really enjoy working in the environment. Usually after I meet up with my little cousin and we go to eat and then just go to my house, watch a movie and then K.O. However, I am lucky because I at least have Sunday, which I consider the best day ever, and Monday off. Then I have class from Tuesday- Thursday. Last night I went to the studio to finish my sculpture rather than meet up with my cousin and the best thing that could happen to me at the moment did. This girl from my class was already in the studio working on her piece and asked me if I wanted to smoke some weed with her as she left. Yes, I have smoked weed and yes, I love it. The reason I was so happy was because I was so tired and needed to relax so smoking was perfect at the moment. Thats about it, she smoked me out, I was thankful and thanked her, she went on her way and I was stoned and happy working on my project, which I banged out in less than two hours! SUPER SPEEDY! After I met up with the cuz at Trader Joes, did some grocery shopping, came home, ate snacks, and watched Ira & Abby. Was an interesting enough movie. Caught my attention and kept it there.


1 glazed donut + 1/2 a chocolate donut
A cup of Black Tea


Went to The Grove on Fillmore
1 blood orange
1 grilled cheese sandwich w/ a side of salad
1 cup of Tomato Basil

Went to YakiniQ in Japantown
Green Tea Shave Ice w/ green tea ice cream, azuki beans, mochi balls, fruits, green tea powder
1/2 a slice of apple pie
some Neapolitan ice cream

No Workout


1/2 a chocolate donut
1/4 cup oatmeal + nutella + PB + dried cranberries

1/2 Garlic cheese bread

Left over Garlic cheese bread
1 Banana

1 scoop of Neapolitan ice cream

Midnight snack:
1 toast + PB + dried cranberries
Wasabi peanuts
Neapolitan ice cream

No Workout

What I have noticed it that if I miss an important meal like lunch, I eat a lot more at night, even after dinner + dessert.


1 slice of toast + Nutella

1 slice of toast + Nutella + PB

1 slice of toast + Nutella
2 eggs scrambled with spinach and mozzarella cheese + ketchup

1 hour 10 min walk in GG Park

Thursday, February 3, 2011

"All this screaming and running... thats how my relative got into this country."

1/4 cup oatmeal w/
-scoop Nutella
-scoop PB
-sprinkle of Cinnamon
-dried cranberries

Small pho with bean sprouts and rare steak
1 Old Fashioned Chocolate glazed donut

1 scoop Neapolitan ice cream w/
banana slices + Nutella

1 blood orange
1/4 oatmeal w/
-scoop Nutella
-scoop PB
-sprinkle of Cinnamon
-dried cranberries
leftover tofu

1 scoop Neapolitan ice cream w/
banana slices + Nutella